Thursday, September 15, 2016

Light of the Dawn

That day while letting KiCo play with paints, I've realised that my painting materials have not seen the light of dawn for the past seven years. They were kept high up at the upper compartment of my wardrobe, with the promise of a revisit when I can find the time. But Time is fluid, it just flows me by. So finally, last night I threw away a few tubes of acrylic paint that had hardened, but majority of what I have are still soft and usable. Although I don't think I'll have the time to do this leisurely, still, I cleaned them up and brought them to my office. So today, instead of watching a movie online, I switched to some colouring. I thought for a start I could just paint on the colouring book that my cousin Xuiling had gotten for me last Christmas. If I keep that book aside, it may not see the light of dawn too. I must learn to use the things I have. Let them have a life of their own, don't hoard or keep them until they past their primes. It doesn't matter if I paint nicely or terribly, the thing is, I enjoy dabbing with colours, so dab we shall.

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