Friday, September 30, 2016

Is "Sharity" a real word?

okay, first, let's take a look at Kiki's monsters doodle.
funny right?

an angel bridging love, the boyfriend was trying his darndest to stretch and reach his girlfriend.

 okay, the school gave us an envelop for "Sharity". (monetary donation).

Is Sharity a made-up word? because to share is more inclusive than to give, as in "Charity" is more of a top-down, trickled down form of giving, while "Sharity" probably is more self-initiated and palatable.

Here are the stickers that came with the campaign:-

Asking my parents about their day (and listen!) 

 Helping my siblings with their homework (and not fighting!)

 Holding the lift a family member (and your neighbours!)

 Making a Thank You card for a family member (& others!)

 Encouraging my parents to donate to a good cause (but her mommy told her she has 'donors fatigue')

 Singing a Sharity song to my siblings (name me a Sharity song!)

 Introducing Sharity to a family member. (okay, thanks!)

Helping my parents to wash the dishes (why can't they put a boy's picture there too?)

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