Monday, September 5, 2016

Friday Night

The bravest thing you will ever do is to love again.

Bren & I were home late, the kids were already in bed.
So I joined him in the kitchen, he was having our last bottle of... Blue Sapphire Gin, on the rocks, Eew... it was hard to drink but we both sipped one quarter of a bottle that way.

Again, we were having the "Songs Challenge", taking turns to churn out song after another. Ranging from Is this Love? by White Snake to One Direction's - Drag Me Down. Boy, can we still dance at 2 in the morning.

We did this from 11pm to 3am!
Who drinks and churns out YouTubes for four hours straight?
We laughed and we cried.
Cried over friends who had gone too soon.
Laughed over the fads and trends we've lived.
Smiled over the hay of days we've seen.
And nodded that we still had each others' back.

We vouched that we will do better, together. 


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