Monday, April 16, 2018

Chinese Compo

So, my "creativity" came back to bite us.

As I had suggested for Kiki to write her Chinese Composition from the view of the Mother, we have received feedback that this is a "No-no".

This is a Picture Composition, means you look at a few squares of illustrations and form your essay.
There wasn't any instructions to say that the writer must write from a Kid's perspective, so we thought we might do something different like take a different take, you know what I mean.

Anyway, at least we've 'tested water' and now we know that that is a No-no.
Don't anyhow venture if you don't want to lose marks unnecessarily.
School's system still so rigid, so I guess the onus is on the Parents to impart wider perspectives.

we found a Study Room at the mall to do our homework. 
Hence, we use that space every week after violin class.

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