Thursday, March 1, 2018

The Breadwinner

Watched this yesterday. While I feel sad, sorry, injustice for them (I honestly did), I thought I must be thankful our living conditions are far, better. All those "positive thinking" slangs would tell you not to compare yourself with people who have more or are having a hell of a good time, they would ask you to count your blessings, be grateful for what you have and not to be greedy to want more because if you whine a teeny bit, they will ask you to see the sufferings of the rest of the world. By that, they attempt to make you feel bad about being dissatisfied. I have had enough of that. I do not trust anything that attempts to make me conform.  

Kiki wrote me a note on a napkin while we were out, and when I got home, there was an Ang Bow on my night stand. She gave me $8. How sweet. I have never received an Ang Bow this lovely. 

I told her that my spending of money has nothing to do with her. As in, it is my choice to spend my money on her, on Colin, and I am happy to do that, I would not change a thing. Of course I do struggle because I am not able to count on additional income source but I am alive and I still have a brain, I just need to take a short rest, re-organize, and we will surge on. 

The bulk of my expenses besides the helper's salary & expenses, the biggest chunks are the kids' Chinese and  multiple music lessons. And I have not even counted everything else. As I look back at how we started our music journey, it was plainly to put their brains into exercise, right brain, left brain development. I asked myself if the intention still holds true now and the answer is current. They way I look at it is that I am not a saver, so even if I am not spending on them, I would have spent on other mindless stuff. So I don't feel bad about spending on them but I do sometimes feel lousy about giving up on my own desires. So now, I try to pay a little more attention to myself and acknowledge that I must also take care of my own needs and not live like a ghost. 

Let me try to sew. 
I don't think that I am good at it but I would like to try.
I will need to go to the library to borrow books on embroidery. 

"A stitch in time saves nine" 
Make the initial effort to save yourself foreseeable troubles. 

My IG profile is - One Stitch Saves Nine, I came up with this theme and did this logo all under ten minutes while in bed, just before I fell asleep. 

The first thing I'm gonna sew is--- Huatever!
local pun from my Lohei escapades 

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