Wednesday, June 6, 2018


 Okay, I've been waking up early, something like 3 to 4 am that kind of hours.
It is futile trying to wrestle myself to sleep, so I've learnt to get up and get out.
I think it's the MCT oil that I've been taking. I'm so alert! In a good way.

The above picture was yesterday's daybreak.

 This is the evening sky.


 Today the day hasn't broken, neither was I.

Attract Magic Into Your Life.

Disclaimer: Beware of what you want to manifest, because it may or may not be good for you. Really. But since you want it so badly, the Universe may relent.

When Tom Cruise first was with Katie, he was so crazy, madly, in love that he jumped and hopped on Oprah's talkshow couch and looked insane. Katie had also said that when she was growing up, she had a huge poster of Tom in her bedroom, every night she imagines about him.

How did it turn out for her "manifestation"?

It doesn't come with warnings.

Does it then mean that we shall not want?

Of course not.

We just have to be mindful of what we have become. Always check upon yourself.

Frustration is THE SIGN, to remind yourself to remain focused because you're almost arriving at your desired outcome. Let go of expectations and stick to being focused.

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