Monday, May 4, 2015

Weekday Nights: 3-in-1

Wednesday night. The Papa fetched her from Abacus and met me at violin class. He was so excited. He said - Kiki got full marks for her Abacus exams. I asked- 100 marks?  He said- Yes, both. The mental and abacus. I said- wow. but didn't get trophy. Haha. 

This is with teacher C. okay lah. Since now we practise a little bit more often for teacher C's class. 
I say we must practise once during the week and just once more the day before class. So that's twice. 

Thursday is piano with teacher A. Every week, it's kind of deja vu because all I remember is asking her if Kiki is "okay".. and teacher A would say, okay, can play with the right hand & left but need to practise. And I would tell myself - note: practise!. and then the week breeze through and here I am sitting at the counter thinking.... oh is it a week already? Until finally I became embarrassed because it's looping. So Finally since the lesson last week, we practised on the keyboard - "Arietta", and I realised that it didn't come easily for Kiki. Even though she could play with the right hand, having the tune flow with both hands is halting. So I think we can't postpone practising anymore. We have to practise daily (aim daily but in reality, might be two or three days short of daily). Because we have three songs to prepare for next year (March, I think), and the way I see it............. we need a lot of practise!   (Woke up from day-dream).

Few months ago, she asked me to bring her to Tokyo to take the bullet train.
So when I spotted this kiddy ride, I excitedly told her - Look! Bullet Train!. 

Song #2 - Musette 

I thought we could learn at home and be prepared when teacher starts with the new song but her teacher surprised me by starting the new song anyway. (before wrapping up with song #1). I was delayed in my own marking out of the notes because I was so confused. I normally view a couple of videos from youtube before / after marking out the Up & Down bows. This time, all the videos had opposite bowing. I consulted our virtual music friend- Karmeleon, who shed light that there has been an update and now the bowing is opposite in directions. I read online that some teachers are against the idea to reverse the bowing, citing that in the event of a combined performance, which version are the students gonna use? (with minority being taught the new version). Erm.......... that's why it's an update right? surely something new means lesser known but if it is important enough to warrant a change then we should follow through. But I do not know enough to comment because some of the teacher says-- what if they reverse the change a few years later. etc. etc. Hum......... 

Anyway, teacher S says there's an update so we learn the updated version. She says in case she forgets and uses the old version, please remind her. (because the old version had been there for years and years before).  

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