Wednesday, May 13, 2015


I must remember more of these kinds of moments. 
弟弟疼爱姐姐 moments
 While heading to Chinese, they found the Mimosa plant and was amused by it. 
We stopped and let them play. 

 After lunch, we headed to her friend's BD party at Polliwogs.

While Kiki was having a ball of a time, I tried to make myself sociable by chit-chatting with a fellow mommy (and later, a couple). She's a nice lady. She is the neighbour of the birthday boy. In their neighbourhood, the few families are close knitted as they all have school going children (K2 to teens). They asked if I am planning for number three. They  I explained that I think I need to spend more time with my number two, so they all just smiled and nodded. For them, they averagely have three kids. All of them. They appear to be younger than me and their younger kids are older than Kiki. The group of neighbours have in total 14 kids, so they have lots of BD parties, post exams parties, what-nots parties. They share with me on enrichment classes and encouraged me to continue with abacus. They asked me to check out "Wang Lao Shi" or Molin for Chinese. Their kids are all very busy. All of them. They appear to be happy people. I guess they've got their parenthood muscles well flexed and like they've said, they are themselves a Kampung where they share and support each other. How nice.

She was reluctant to go home since some of her friends are still playing at the indoor playground after the BD party. So I asked if she still wants to go swimming, it was a motivator, hence she said thank you & good bye to her friend & his parents.

My shabby bicycle still works, although the pedals are broken, erm... many other parts are broken and tyres not pumped but hey, I like my bike. I am even thinking of cycling to Marina Bay / Barrage now that the link is up and running, I over heard several people saying how they cycled or jogged there. Hum..... I also want. Jogging for me is unthinkable, I should attempt to cycle first and then roller blade............. later. Hum.......

The sun was burning hot. Whatever time of the day, it was burning.

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