Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Nursery One (Bears)

The activities are mainly colouring and sticking of materials

Spatial awareness (location of objects in relation with their bodies)

 Teacher says I must work on Spatial awareness with Colin, for instance he had originally placed the umbrella alongside the human although he may understand that an umbrella goes above the head.
Teacher also pointed that the Helicopter & Truck are upside-down. She says that spatial awareness is also to do with hand-eye-coordination. Got to do more outdoor activities with him, eg: play ball, catch & throw, climbing. Colin does lots of climbing at the playground, he uses the skate scooter well. I guess we will now throw in more ball activities! THROW & CATCH. 


Art & Crafts: using Balloons to paint (bounce).

 A shaker in the shape of a slice of watermelon. (seeds inside)

 Tactile: sense of touch- soft materials, hard, sandy, etc.
A rabbit with soft fur (above)
A worm in the soil (below)

Math: Patterning & Counting 1, 2, 3.

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