In fact, I'm glad she's tall for her age.
She is now crawling on fours and could sit by herself although she has yet to be steady with it.
I do hope she progresses with sitting up and will begin to walk a little.
There's no hurry and we're giving her all the time she needs.
Meanwhile, I've stopped giving her fish and pork as she vomitted 3 times on seperate ocassions after fish, and had rashes after pork. Again, the pedi says no hurry, can give after she turns 1, no prob.
Recently, she's hungry all the time. So we give her 2 solids a day and milk in between.
She loves all fruitty meals. You know, sometimes I don't know why she has a taste bud like this but I am glad she loves her food. It is just brown rice & dried scallops with one of these:- banana (her all time favourite), apple, appricot, brocolli, spinach, carrots. I'll just move the menu around these few selections and she loves it. I am glad she likes greens and I must slowly introduce potato, and sweet potato,,, and kiwi? It's so hard to find a ripe avocado. It's like hitting a jackpot.
If you want the avocado to ripen quickly, put it in the same bag as a banana and leave it overnight. Will be ripe the next day.