Sunday, November 29, 2009
Tinkle Bell
Ye Bai He Ye You Chun Tian 野百合也有春天
(野百合也有春天 / Ye Bai He Ye You Chun Tian / There's spring even for wild lilies)
Immediately, I think the song must be something I've heard when I was a kid but this rehashed version was sadder than I remember the song to be.
Anyway, this piece is not sad. In fact, it is summer and cheery. So perhaps I should not associate it with the song, but hey, isn't his lilies wild ones?
Winning Faces
Cry Me A Pool
I hope that Tony will find it a complement when he knows that I think of him like Woody Allen.
Firstly, he looks and dresses like Woody.
Secondly, I think his outlook is sad.
Thirdly, there is nothing wrong with that and I do appreciate this form of expression.
I am sure I will do something like this one of the days, so Tony, you'll wait and see.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Me painted me painting
Okay, so this is my maiden piece of work.
Unlike most seasoned attendees who have an inkling of what they were gonna paint, I had not a single idea of a theme. I stood staring at a canvas that I've painted blue. And so I thought, what the heck, I've had a great day and I shall commemorate the day. So I painted the shadow of myself holding the paintbrush in its exact location that was casted on the canvas. Then I realised that I've always wore my watch on my right eventhough I am a right-hander, but I drew my watch nevertheless, and since it represents time and I just had my BD, I dotted 36 dots on it, symbolising my age. I joked that I could add a dot on each of my BD. Earlier on that day, my hairdresser informed me that I had more strands of white hair on the right side of my head. The left has fewer whites. And so I drew it too. Then, I accidentally knocked my pallet onto my painting and it created a broken dash. I guess in life sometimes shit happens but you can always utilise the situation. And so I made it a brighter dash of white. Next, I feel that a painting should be something good to look at from afar and should also entertain when viewed near. So I added tiny people jumping freely and happily off the cliff and swam toward freedom. An hour and two glasses of whites later, I finally added the "moon" but to me it was life coming in a full circle. It also symbolises that the future is "paintable". While painting the circle, two drips of paint dripped onto the canvas. It is again a reminder that shit happens and sometimes it's okay to just accept it.
And so it is.
A few girls got so tickled by my concept and they said there's so much thoughts and humour in it. Four of them gave me their votes. Thanks girls!
I was so elated at the fun I'm having that I took a picture of it and MMS to a few people I care about (or whom I think cares about me!) It was only later that I've realised it was past eleven pm... sorry.
Cool Dudess
My cool dudess going for her morning stroll while her dude dad pushes her pram.
The dudess mom jogs a little less than half a kilometer. Shameful but good attempt.
Honestly, I was just lazy to change her out of her PJs. I mean, we were gonna bathe her after the walk so I don't see why we should have changes of clothes as it is important that we conserve water isn't it? One set less to wash.
Cake Cutting
There's something about cake cutting that feels ceremonial on a birthday.
I didn't have one on my BD. Thanks to my mom & Brendan for neglecting me.
I never like to ask for anything because the act of asking is already spoiling it.
So anyway, Pammy came with a cake 3 days after my BD. It is never too late.
Thanks, Pammy!
Manual Mobile
Kiki still needs monitoring when it comes to sitting, hence, I've cushioned her with the bolster.
She totally loves her first mobile truck. It has a key that makes the ignition sound when twisted, and the horn works "tor-tor" like this. She absolutely loves it and breaks into a wide grin everytime I do it.
You know, most of us remember our first bicycle for the rest of our lives.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
She's beginning to be on her knees now and I hope that she learns to crawl too. I read that some babies start crawling between 7 to 10 months, while some babies skip that and will head straight to assisted walking. There are very different theories with using of the walker and I have a friend who is strongly against the idea. She said that babies have to learn to use their hips and crawling is utmost important.
Monday, November 23, 2009
All About Lemons
This is a Lemon that I'm painting, not a Papaya or whatever that you're thinking.
I know it may not resemble a lemon at all.
Whatever the case, the lesson last night was about mixing of colours, relativity and also, about light.
The first painting was done with the instructor telling us to "Just Paint".
The second one was done after he explained about Hues and Light.
No one in my class has something like mine. Theirs were all resembling lemons and apples (we had a choice of fruit to paint and I chose lemon) and theirs were all nicely done. Mine looks terrible compared to theirs. Hardly recognisable.... but still, of course I like mine. Plus, the instructor commented that he likes it that my strokes are both bold and modern, though he said that I was holding the brush the wrong way. Em.....
Sitting High
We've just assembled the high chair for her to use when having meals.
I can now make very good porridge! Hooray!
Thanks to my Godma who kept assuring me that the Crock Pot, no matter how mini it is, will work. And indeed it works. You basically put everything in and let it simmer on its own. But it does take hours for the porridge to be soft though. For me,,,,, I cook it over four hours! Gosh, utilities bill's gonna be up....
For now, I've only made fish porridge.
I shall experiment with Spinach probably in a few weeks.
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