Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Yucky Food 很难吃啊!

If you are a woman living in a city, you will be lucky if you don't feel fat. I don't mean lucky in the sense if you are obese and in denial, I mean lucky in the sense if you have a positive self-image.

I have been on the medium-heavy side for many years; the last time I felt nice about my size was during my wedding and the nice weight and size lasted about two years or so. At that time, a bunch of my work friends and I joined the California Fitness Club/Centre?, the branch at Orchard. We had so much fun, joining combat aerobics classes after classes every evening till past ten at night. It was tough but I had friends to push me.

Since then, my sports activities are down to zero since I no longer wake board with Pam, and no longer skate, and no longer play the badminton with Bren. But, it is about time to restart and keep my ass moving, although I don't think I can wake board ever again,,, due to my under arms operation.................
*shall see how it goes 吧!

Meanwhile, I thought dieting might help. So when the promoter recommended me two weeks' worth of healthy, packed meals, I gave it a go.

I tell you,,,,,,, the picture is DECEIVING!    骗人的!

Soaked them in hot, boiling water because I do not fancy microwave ovens.

Looked like shit doesn't it?
To be totally fair, the taste is quite authentic, and the rice is quite okay.
However, the presentation sucked and I felt as if I was eating vomit.
But well, Bren says that some astronauts' meals are also like these.

So,,,,,, I re-conditioned my brain to think that I am consuming healthy meals fit for astronauts. 自欺欺人.

To be fair again, there are some other menus that are slightly more palatable; like the Black Pepper Fish:-
and so,,,,,, I'm not too sure if this will last but well, just give it a blast.

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