Donuts & Menu

I wasn't surprised when I saw this bunch of donuts neatly arranged on its menu as I know Kiki is quite neat with packing or sorting. She could stick 20 pieces of stickers neatly in a row, and so I was just like "oh, nice. neat." and that's all. But upon closer inspection, I was shocked. Well, I was the only one who was shocked. Both Bren & Maricar knew it long ago except me. You see, under the donuts is the menu and each donut matched the desgin on its menu! I couldn't believe it. I lifted each donut to check the design underneath and they all matched. I mean,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I think this matching skill is attained by slightly older kids? Or am I just excited. I've taught a class of three-year-olds and I don't remember they could match designs. Some could match colours like put a blue block into a blue box etc, but this,,,, I'm not sure. Maybe kids these days are just cleverer than before. They say it's the milk.

This set of donuts was bought on that day when Kiki visited Colin at the hospital and couldn't stop crying. The daddy brought her to Toys R'us and got her this. Thereafter, they have been playing with this but not as in having tea-party-donut-eating play but match-the-donut-to-the-menu play.
(why didn't i think of that) So both Maricar and Brendan knew long ago that Kiki was able to match them and thought that I was over-reacting on my discovery. -_-"
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